Monday, 29 March 2010

Jaguh Rakyat UMNO

AJK UMNO Bahagian Tanah Merah ditangkap khalwat

TANAH MERAH - Seorang lelaki berusia dalam lingkungan 54 tahun yang merupakan Ahli Jawatankuasa (AJK) UMNO Bahagian UMNO Tanah Merah ditangkap khalwat bersama seorang gadis bawah umur berusia 16 tahun di sebuah hotel di jajahan ini, malam kelmarin.

Lelaki berkenaan ditahan bersama pasangannya pada kira-kira jam 1.30 pagi dalam operasi maksiat yang dilakukan Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Kelantan (JHEAIK) Tanah Merah bersama lapan anggota penguat kuasa yang diketuai oleh Imam Masjid Bandar, Roslee Ismail serta ahli Rukun Tetangga (RT) kawasan setempat.

Difahamkan semasa kejadian, penguat kuasa sedang mengetuk bilik hotel berhampiran bilik yang didiami lelaki terbabit dan pasangannya itu, namun tanpa disangka lelaki terbabit keluar dari bilik dan pihak penguat kuasa mengesyaki lelaki terbabit dalam keadaan mencurigakan.

Menurut sumber JHEAIK Tanah Merah, setelah diperiksa lelaki terbabit, yang berpakaian lengkap berada dalam bilik berkenaan bersama seorang gadis belasan tahun yang sedang berkemban.

“Dia bersama pasangannya itu dibawa ke pejabat JHEAIK jajahan ini untuk tindakan lanjut kerana gagal mengemukakan sebarang dokumen sah mengenai status mereka yang berdua-duaan dalam bilik hotel berkenaan.

“Selepas keterangan diambil kedua-duanya dijamin oleh seorang penjamin sementara menunggu tarikh perbicaraan kes tersebut pada 18 Mei ini,” katanya.

Sementara itu, dalam operasi yang sama pihak berkenaan juga berjaya menahan seorang lelaki dan wanita berdua-duaan di sebuah bilik hotel lain. Pegawai Agama Jajahan Tanah Merah, Nik Zuhdi Nik Yaacob ketika dihubungi mengesahkan menerima laporan kejadian dan kes itu disiasat di bawah Undang-undang Kanun Jenayah Syariah Negeri Kelantan untuk tindakan susulan.

Nik Zuhdi berharap agar masyarakat sentiasa memberi kerjasama dan membantu pihak JHEAIK bagi menangani gejala maksiat. “Kerjasama daripada orang ramai bagi menghindari perbuatan ini dari berleluasa amat diperlukan dan diharapkan gejala ini dapat ditangani bersama,” katanya.

Siasatan Buana:

1. Lelaki tua ini bernama Ali Akhbar Bin Mayim.

2.Sudah punya 2 orang isteri. Anak berdozen.

3.Diberitakan isteri keduanya adalah perkahwinan melalui 'rampasan kuasa' dari bekas suami wanita tersebut.

2.Pernah menggugut untuk mencederakan kawan pasangannya apabila kawan tersebut menceritakan kepada orang lain tentang 'kesyaitanan' peribadinya.

3.Beliau telah bermuafakat dengan seorang lagi kawannya(juga AJK UMNO Bahagian) menipu JHEIK dengan memberi maklumat palsu dengan membawa seorang lagi sahabatnya yang kemudian mengaku sebagai bapa saudara mangsa dan disandarkan sebagai penjamin.

4.Sehingga Buana catatkan entri ini difahamkan mangsa belum diserahkan kepada penjaganya.

5.Mangsa adalah seorang anak yatim.

Tak baik cerita banyak-banyak hingga mengaibkan orang pula. So Buana mohon Ikmal Hisyam 'sewabeli' peguam UMNO membela 'jaguh Rakyat' ini. Kalau boleh biar imam dan Kadhi Tanah Merah hilang 'Locus standi'.

Untuk makluman peguam:
1. AJK UMNO Bahagian Tanah Merah.
  • Timbalan Pengarah DUN Bukit Panau
  • Penasihat peribadi Ketua Bahagian
  • AJK Pemantau Projek JPP lantikan khas Biro Politik.
  • Pengerusi Tetap persidangan Pemuda UMNO Tanah Merah

2. Model pemimpin 'perihatin' dan 'jaguh Rakyat 1Malaysia"

You Can Also Be Rich Without UMNO

How to Get Rich

You can get what you want as long as you give others what they want. If you give nothing to others, you get nothing back.

Your method of exchange determines your wealth and success. You have four types of exchange from which to choose.

"1. First consider a group which takes in money but does not deliver anything in exchange. This is called rip-off." -- L. Ron Hubbard
For example, you pay a $1,000 deposit for a new car. The dealer goes bankrupt. You get no car and lose your deposit.
As another example, a plumber secretly loosens a pipe in your house. He then shows you the "leak," makes lots of noise, tightens the fitting and charges you $159.

You see this form of exchage at work. For example, certain people in your office avoid doing work. They give lots of excuses, find things to blame, do no work, but accept full pay.

This first exchange condition is basically theft. If you operate this way, no one can trust you. You get fired from jobs. You must cover your tracks or end up in jail. If you own a business, it fails.

The second exchange condition is cheating.

"2. Second is the condition of partial exchange. The group takes in orders or money for goods and then delivers part of it or a corrupted version of what was ordered." -- L. Ron Hubbard
For example, you pay for a "$99 Dream Vacation Package" which turns out to be a smelly motel room next to a noisy road. Or instead of working, an employee reads a magazine, surfs the net or makes personal calls while being paid.
If this is your style of exchange, you will also get fired. If you own a business, it fails in a bad economy. You never earn any wealth.

"3. The third condition is the exchange known, legally and in business practice, as ‘fair exchange.' One takes in orders and money and delivers exactly what has been ordered." -- L. Ron Hubbard
Most successful companies and individuals use this principle. For example, you pay for a dozen fresh eggs and you get a dozen fresh eggs. You hire a repair shop to fix your car and you get a working car.
When you do exactly as you promise, you give a fair exchange. For example, you agree to paint a room for $150. You then paint the room as promised and earn $150.
If you are in this third condition, you make an acceptable income. If you own or manage a business, it does fine. You earn enough money to live a comfortable life.

"4. The fourth condition of exchange is not common but could be called exchange in abundance. Here one does not give two for one or free service but gives something more valuable than money was received for." "This fourth principle above is almost unknown in business or the arts. Yet it is the key to howling success and expansion." -- L. Ron Hubbard

Individuals and businesses who use this fourth method of exchange flourish, even during a bad economy!
For example, you hire an artist to paint a picture. She not only paints the picture, but she includes a beautiful frame at no extra charge. You hire a taxi to drive you ten miles and you not only get the ride in a very clean car, you get to read today's paper or hear some great jokes. You invest in a company expecting a 7% return each year and get 10% instead.

Workers who use the fourth condition of exchange are priceless. For example, Jill not only does all of her own work, she trains a new employee at the same time. She assumes new responsibilities without demanding more pay. She also brightens the mood of the office every day.

Jill not only receives promotions, raises, bonuses, her job security is excellent.
Anyone who shows up a little early, works a little harder, delivers a little better quality service or product, is exchanging in abundance. Everyone has room to improve their exchange.

Businesses that exchange in abundance receive more referrals than other businesses. Investors are anxious give money to these businesses so they can to expand. Customer loyalty is guaranteed.

At first, giving more than expected seems unfair. You give extra effort without recognition. You add value to your work or products without anyone noticing.
Yet eventually, you rise to the top. People prefer to work with you. Your company is selected above the competition. You earn a reputation of being more than fair.

Ask yourself questions like these:
"How can I give more than people expect of me?"

"What can I do to make my work a little more valuable?"

"What are the little extras I can provide that no one else can provide?"

Then start delivering in abundance. Make your work, your product, your company a little more valuable than everyone else's.

Instead of trying to GET more from others, work on GIVING more as your method of operation, and get rich!

Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Cheng Peng Vs Ikmal Hisham

Kekadang hairan bin Ajaib juga memikirkan masih ada tangan-tangan kotor seiras 'wak Long dan Pak Dogol' dalam UMNO masih dikekalkan mentadbir UMNO pusat. Sedangkan umat UMNO rata-rata tahu mereka ini sebenarnya bagaikan 'sokong membawa rebah' kepada UMNO.

Baru-baru ini saya pamerkan dua episode berlaku pada UMNO Tanah Merah.

1. Terdapat cawangan-cawangan UMNO dalam Bahagian Tanah Merah di batalkan pendaftarannya oleh Pendaftar pertubuhan Malaysia. Kebetulannya, Ketua Bahagian dan Timbalan Ketua Bahagian adalah ahli dari cawangan-cawangan yang telah dibatalkan.

2. Mereka; individu yang bernama Ikmal Hisham dan Baharudin ini disaman oleh mantan Setiausaha UMNO Bahagian Tanah Merah ke Mahkamah Tinggi Kota Bharu setelah semua saluran parti telah tidak menghiraukan lapuran beliau.

Kita lupakan kisah apa telah terjadi di Mahkamah Tinggi sebelum ini dan akan datang sebab kes itu dijadualkan pada 22hb mac ini.

Dari sembang-sembang kedai kopi hinggalah diwar-warkan oleh penyandang Setiausaha sekarang dengan megahnya membuat pengistiharan bahawa Amran Ab Rahman (mantan Setiausaha bahagian) telah dilucutkan keahlian UMNO.

Kebodohan dan kebebalan penyandang Setiausaha UMNO bahagian tidak perlu dibincangkan di sini. Kerana ahli UMNO Tanah Merah yang celik akal anggap Muhamad Ismail ini lebih bebal dari Pak Pandir. So let it be.

Yang kita semua pertikaikan ialah di mana TS Muhyidin? Orang no 2 yang diberi tanggungjawab oleh Presiden UMNO untuk mengurus parti. Tidur atau di tidurkan oleh Penasihat undang-undang UMNO dan Setiausaha Agung UMNO?

Kenapa tidak digunapakai 18B(2) Akta Pertubuhan apabila individu yang bernama Hj. Ikmal Hisham Ab. Aziz dan Baharudin Yusof dipertikaikan keesahan beliau dalam pertubuhan akibat dari pembatalan Cawangan beliau.

Seksyen 18B(2) berbunyi:

Jika seseorang yang hilang kelayakan dibawah Akta ini atau perlembagaan sesuatu parti politik dipilih memegangang apa-apa jawatan dalam mana-mana pemilihan parti politik itu,maka,apabila kehilangan kelayakannya itu diketahui, parti politik itu hendaklah, walaupun pemilihan itu sah menurut subseksyen(1), memberi efek kepada kehilangan kelayakannya itu dan menjalankan suatu pemilihan baru berkenaan dengan jawatan itu dan seberapa segera yang praktis mengikut perlembagaan, kaedah-kaeadah dan peraturan-peraturannya.

Kenapa seksyen 18B(2) tidak dipraktikkan? Tetapi sebaliknya menggunakan seksyen 18C, memukul ahli yang cuba membetulkan parti dari pintu belakang. Hanya semata-mata untuk mencari jalan pintas memenangi kes di mahkamah. Kenapa tidak dilihat dari perspektif membaikpulih parti.

Menang atau kalah saman bekas setiausaha Bahagian di mahkamah tidak penting. Persoalannya; adakah UMNO sebuah parti yang menerajui Kerajaan 1Malaysia dengan slogan Juara Rakyat ingin mengekalkan seseorang yang telah melanggar Akta Pertubuhan di sanjung sebagai 'Juara Rakyat'.
Cheng Peng adalah wira pada gulungan pertubuhan haram Komunis Malaya. Bagaimana pula dengan Ketua UMNO Bahagian Tanah Merah?

Ahli yang cuba membetulkan parti di pecat sementara 'bandit' dikekalkan. Ini budaya 'Firaun' bukan budaya Jaguh Rakyat.

Budaya ini bukan setakat manusia terkejut malah setan dan iblis pun bagaikan diserang angin ahmar melihat telatah UMNO sekarang.

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Pesanan Juara Rakyat untuk UMNO

msg dari seseorang yang tak buana kenali. Agaknya nak hantar ke Najib atau Tg Adnan atau Majlis Tertinggi tetapi tak tahu no hp mereka. Maka BUANASUARA ambil inisiatif ini untuk tatapan mereka bahawa neraka sedang menanti.

Kami beri amaran kpd pucuk2 UMNO yg m'julang ke langit biru,m'gapai awan..yg rasuah..yg menipu..yg membazir.. yg menyeleweng.. yg menggadaikan prinsip & matlamat perjuangan parti...Klu kalian tdk bertaubat,& jika org seperti kalian dicalonkan dlm p'raya umum ke-13,kami akan menjadi saksi kehancuran UMNO secara total!Turunlah kalian dr kayangan masing2.Berpijaklah ke bumi.Jadilah pimpinan yg merakyat.Jgn biarkan 13 terus m'jadi no. tragedi.


Don't ever quit beleiving in Yourself.
As long as u beleive u Can,You will have reason
for trying.

Are You Blameless?

Are You Blameless?

No one succeeds with attitudes like these.

I dont want to make the decisions.

I dont want to make waves.

I dont want to get in trouble!

To succeed, you must be willing to stir things up!Cause or EffectYou are either at Cause over things or you are at the Effect of things.

For example, if a computer problem confuses you, you are at the Effect of the computer problem. As soon as you solve the problem, you are at Cause.

If you want to be wealthy, and your income is increasing, you are at Cause. If your income is stuck or decreasing, you are at Effect.

If you make steady progress toward your goals, you are at Cause. If you are stuck in a rut, you are at Effect.

If you do not care if someone blames you, you are at Cause. If you worry about being blamed, you are at Effect."You should not minimize* yourself as CAUSE.

It is your greatest ability."Being blamed sometimes blunts* being CAUSE. But if ones total ambition is to be blameless, the best situation is to get ones name on a tombstone. And its no fun being dead." -- L. Ron Hubbard (*Minimize = lessen, reduce. *Blunts = weaken, make less effective)

Who Blames You?

If someone blames you for a mistake or a problem, you might decide to be at Effect and try to hide. You want to keep out of trouble. You blunt yourself as Cause.

For example, a shoe sales clerk named Amran had an upset customer. He wanted a refund for a pair of shoes that did not fit, but the shoes had scuff marks on them. So despite store policy, he gave a refund to the customer. He decided it was the right thing to do.

When TG Adnan the boss saw the shoes, he said, You idiot! You know its against store policy to pay refunds for worn shoes! Im taking the refund out of your check.

Amran decides, Im never making a decision again! He blunts himself. He stops being at Cause and becomes a clerk who never makes decisions.

The next day, another customer asks for a refund for his slightly-worn shoes. Amran says, Im sorry sir, but store policy wont allow me to give you a refund.

See here? The bottoms of the shoes are scratched up.The customer says, But they dont fit! I cant wear them! Here, give them to the homeless. He starts to walk away.

Amran decides the store policy is wrong and he's not going to be Effect. He says, Sir, wait. Never mind. Im giving you a refund. He feels good. He is at Cause.

Amran then walks up to his boss and says, I gave another refund. Its the right thing to do. Go ahead and take it out of my pay.

His boss is flabbergasted! He says, I will! But then he thinks it over.
The next day the boss finds Amran and says, You know, I thought it over and I think youre right. We should give refunds for shoes that dont fit. After all, were supposed to help them find their correct sizes. I'll talk to the General Manager about changing this policy.

1. List the things you would do if you had no fear of blame.

2. Take the easiest item on the list and rise to Cause. Do it, say it, stand up and take the action!

3. Do the next easiest item on your list and so on.Soon, you will find its okay to take risks and, when necessary, accept the blame.

If you do not worry about being blamed, you do not blunt yourself.
You are at Cause!